I began cosmetology school (beauty school! seriously!) on June 3 and am done in February - it's a fast program. We took our first clients in the second week and have been taking clients non-stop since, so I've done a great deal of REAL LIVE HUMAN hair cutting and coloring for months, both in and out of school. If you check out the photos on myspace you'll see my proof.
But friends, that's not the important stuff. I mean sure it would be great to meet more people who need their hairs done, but really I intend to chronicle the narnias of beauty school. A few weeks ago when we first got into learning color I was excited, it was just super. What wasn't super was being taught the color wheel for what seemed like the 8th time in my life, though it became apparent that it wasn't the case for everybody. I was unaware of this! The teacher utters the words "color wheel" and I flash back to elementary school when we were taught the primary colors, and the colors of the rainbow when you shine white light through a prism (doesn't everybody know ROYGBV?). I mean come on, it's basic Isaac Newton shit that you learn right before you start growing bean plants in the classroom window and then lay on a big sheet of paper and trace everybody's body outline and hang it on the wall. I can't remember why we did that, but it's fun to outline things, and also I'm over it.
Anyhoo, the point is this: am I a jerkface for thinking you have to be at least mildly deranged not to know that the primary colors are red, yellow, and blue and that when you mix, say, red and yellow you get...spoiler alert!...ORANGE?? I'm here to report that half my class did not understand this and needed the teacher to explain it at length. A larger majority had also never heard the word "tertiary." It made my head feel all explodey.
5 years ago
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