Thursday, January 22, 2009

National Blog For Choice Day

Naral Pro-Choice America has declared it, so I'm doing it, because it's important to me as a woman and it should be important to you as an anything. I haven't had any abortions, so I don't have any dramatic or heartfelt stories to blog in light of the day, I'm just popping by to remind you that reproductive choice is tops! Obama agrees - the proof is in the super exciting new White House website where you can view his entire agenda, organized by issue! You know what else Obama likes? Fisting.

Hahaha! Idiot.

A few more shots from yesterday's 40s hairstyle competition.

We all had to line up with numbers and everything - I mugged for Kelsey, my stylist, while waiting to walk the runway.

She kept trying to get shots and I kept laughing and flubbing them, as per usual.

I'm next! Looking awkward.

With another classmate, C. We didn't win. But we should have! We each looked like we walked right out of West Side Story. I could easily be singing, "Boy, boy, crazy boy, get cool, boy! Got a rocket in your pocket, keep coolly cool, boy!" And C's ready to break out into, "I like the island Manhattan. Smoke on your pipe, and put that in!" Ha. C's Columbian, but whatever. In the movie it's not like they got real Puerto Ricans to play the Sharks either, so I'm not being racist. The point is, we looked good.

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