A few succinct issues about the debate, and then tomorrow back to hair, I promise:
Palin’s claim that McCain two years ago warned about an economic crisis was totally exaggerated. In an interview in November 2007, McCain admitted he was clueless about the economic disaster: “So, I’d like to tell you that I did anticipate it, but I have to give you straight talk, I did not.”
Palin said, “Darn right we we need tax relief.” As I've said, McCain’s health care plan flat out increases taxes on the middle class. Palin also said she and her husband have been in the middle class their whole lives, but the AP reported yesterday that if you “add up the couple’s 2007 income and the estimated value of their property and investments and they appear to be worth at least $1.2 million."
Palin said global warming is, in part, caused by human activity. In part! What's the other part, the 4 horsemen of the effing apocalypse? Meanwhile in an interview with Newsmax, Palin said, “I’m not one though who would attribute it to being man-made.” This time around she was only slightly more coherent than her last shot:
She also mentioned “clean, green natural gas.” Natural gas, like all fossil fuels, stomps a huge footprint into the environment. Natural gas produces 18.6% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US.
Palin said Obama voted against funding for the troops, but FactCheck.org says “that’s hardly the whole story.” In April 2007, Democrats added a “non-binding call to withdraw” to a troop funding measure. “McCain (who was absent for the vote) urged the president to veto that funding measure, because of the withdrawal language. President Bush did veto it, and McCain applauded Bush’s veto. Based on those facts, it would be literally true to say that 'McCain urged a veto of funding for our troops.'"
Palin said education “needs to be ramped up in terms of funding.” But last week McCain proposed a spending freeze in all discretionary federal spending! That allows inflation to cut funding for Head Start by over $968 million, cut $1.7 billion from community learning centers, and cut $3.7 billion from career and technical education grants. So...guess no "ramping" huh?
And finally, despite repeatedly criticizing Biden for looking backward tonight, Palin closed the night with a quote from President Reagan.
5 years ago
BTW, did you notice how she say "nucular" too?!
YES and the roommates and I wondered if she wasn't coached to say that. And fucking NO ONE except Obama can properly pronounce Ahmadinejad. It's not Yiddish, there's no phlegmy "ch" sound at the beginning!
We found it infuriating that she kept winking. And also, you know, LYING.
it's actually 5 horsemen caroline.
also, causes are not important. headaches, for example, could be caused by mixing bleach and ammonia in a room with no windows or from listening to sarah palin for more than 2 minutes. the cure is what is important and you would obviously just take tylenol in both situations. obviously.
Wait, it's 5 horsemen? I could've sworn it was 4. It would take me less time to check that on google than it's taking to write this reply, but I'm not going to do it right now. I'm trying to live like Palin for a day and just go with my beliefs, and not researchable facts. Gosh, it's totally liberating!
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