Prom. Did it myself y'all.

Shiny little bob, freshman year. And totally loving that bottle of Arbor Mist.

20th birthday.
Looking sorority-worthy junior year in college, with highlights aplenty. For the record, I did not pledge a sorority.
A perm! And lazy eye?

Almost blonde. And drunk!

That flag is an Italian peace flag my folks brought back from Italy and hung from the porch. When I said, "You know people are going to think you mean gay pride, right?" they replied, "We enjoy the double entendre." Short, dyed black with some red in front.

OK it's a wig, but I've worn it for 3 Halloweens so it counts.

Black with neon pink in front and back after my first attempt at an at-home bleach job. Thank god it worked; now that I know what I know about bleach it's a miracle I didn't burn all my hairs off.

Back to black and short. And a lip ring.
When I took a chance on letting a professional cut my hair for the first time in years and wound up with about one inch of it left on my head. Looks sort of sleek and daring from the side, but from the front there was a giant Dumbo ear situation. This photo right here is precisely why I do extensive consultations with everyone who sits in my chair and there is an ongoing dialogue as I cut to make sure you don't walk out with something you're gonna cry about.
A pixie bangs/headband phase.
My best friend Michelle holding a turkey.
Rocked a real live mullet. And LOVED IT.
Finally, last December around my birthday I got a professional cut again, and it was awful AGAIN.
I've since been growing it out, with the final goal of this. Chrissie Hynde. The end.
thanks for the chronology!
This was ridiculously enjoyable. Ridiculously.
And wait, how do we have the same hair goal?!?!
I thought your hair goal was less shaggy? Good ol' Chrissie's hair is shaggy and choppy as all getout. Don't you worry, we won't look the same! Although, I AM about to choppy chop my bangs blunt and straight across tomorrow at school, which is a style I haven't had since the 8th grade.
If we have a similar hair goal, it's because Chrissie Hynde is a goddess of hair. It's a noble goal, and it'll look very different on us. Woo!
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