I'm at work for hours longer than usual today and I've run out of internet to dick around on, so I'm spending my time uploading videos that have been living on my camera for months.
Zach on Rock Band drums.
Wendy on Rock Band drums. She really wails on those suckers, it's pretty funny, in fact last week we were playing the game and got a frantic knock on the door by my downstairs neighbor saying she heard deafeningly loud banging on her ceiling, like a jackhammer. And Wendy and I looked sheepishly at the TV and said, "It's Rock Band." The girl kinda didn't seem to get it and said, "No seriously it sounds like you're dropping anvils or something," so Wendy gave up her post on drums and let me take over while she played the guitar, cause I'm a little calmer about it. Ha. it wasn't even late at night! It was 6pm! Who complains about noise at 6pm.
And finally my dad playing with the ridiculous electronic drumsticks my poor 23-year-old cousin was given on Christmas. He returned them to Restoration Hardware the next day, but we got about as much fun out of them as I think was possible in this video.
5 years ago
I feel almost like i was there...
You SHOULD be there! The Rock Band is just sitting here waiting for you...
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