Two nostalgia things. First, I was looking through all the emails in my gmail inbox, realizing that I have some from up to two years ago, and I came across one from my good friend and former Corporate America coworker, Jeff. We used to email each other constantly with ridiculous pictures we'd drawn with Microsoft Paint goofing on other weirdos in our office or, in this case, illustrating the imagined meaning of a Rolling Stones song lyric. When Jeff was just a wee small Jeff, he heard the song "She's a Rainbow" and had an hilariously perverse mental picture of what the lyric, "She comes in colors everywhere" meant:

When this popped onto my screen at the office I just about peed myself. Sometimes I miss working in a cubicle just for the inter-office emails. Feel the Microsoft Paint!
Nostalgia thing number two. Uh, I actually can't remember what my second thing was going to be. I totally had two things but my nostalgia brain shut down while I was writing about Mick Jagger getting rainbowed all over his face.
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