Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Beauty School

Last sesh my class studied business and we had to present a giant convoluted project that was essentially a business proposal for a hypothetical salon. It kinda sucked to do it, cause it involved a great deal of math, figuring out how much I'd have to pay in taxes, salary, insurance, yadda yadda, but the point is when my classmate Kelsey presented hers she introduced it as the "Pretty Time!" salon. Pretty Time! Ha, I loved it. Today at beauty school was Pretty Time - we had a 1940s hair styling competition and I offered to be Kelsey's model, so I brought in a 40s outfit and jewelry and makeup and she prettied up my hair. I'll upload the pics from my cammy cam tomorrow but in the meantime here are two little guys I snapped on my phone:

It's a little hard to tell in a teeny camera phone shot, but Kelsey did a great job.

And after she was all done I applied the requisite red lipstick and drew on a mole. When you see the whole look in the photos tomorrow you'll agree that we should have won, we were totally robbed. Except at the end we were told that there weren't any prizes, so who cares. God knows that we were the best, so that's what matters.

Also I had work after school today, so I am now there and my hair and makeup still look like that. I wiped off the mole, but otherwise I am sitting at a desk looking like Alice Kramden.


danger said...

I'm definitely digging this retro hair. Now just stand over a subway vent!

Parisa said...

So glamourous!
xo p