Friday, November 28, 2008

Nintendo saves another Thanksgiving!

That's the text I got back from Adam when I sent him pictures of my family in "Mii" form. That is, my mom bought herself a Wii, which meant that the three small children present at our little gathering disappeared for hours playing with the thing. When we went upstairs to fetch them we discovered they'd created 18 Miis, amongst whom were a Mii Caroline, Mii Gina, and Mii Lee.

When I sent this one to Adam he said that I looked like an Asian Cleopatra.

Haha! May as well be a photograph of my mother.

And my pop. Aside from the exuberantly gleeful expression it's pretty accurate. Good job kids! And thank you, Nintendo!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Everyone's a little bit racist.

I haven't taken too many pictures lately, so I'm just going to give you this. When I'm on the train from Brooklyn I rarely get a seat right away, but pulling into Canal Street makes me a little racist, because I start scanning the car for Asians assuming that they'll all get up and I'll be able to sit down. And if the Asians I have my eye on don't leave I get angry with them.

Don't be offended, I know you all eyeball all the Jew-noses on the train around South Williamsburg. Also, when I googled to find out what other distinctly ethnic neighborhoods there were that I might not know about, several sites listed "Hipster" among the ethnicities. My favorite examples:

West Village: Gay
Whitestone, Queens: Old Folks
South Williamsburg: Hassidic Jews
North Williamsburg: Hipsters and Polish

It made me laugh to see the "gay," "old folks," "hipster" and "lesbian" ethnicities woven in with Jews, Polish and the like. Thanks internet.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How about a proposition on divorce?

Usually Keith Olberman is a little too much even for me. But in this case he may as well have been reciting my thoughts verbatim:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President That One.

At 11:02pm, immediately after Obama was declared victorious, I received a text message from my old high school buddy, Paulie, that read, "I remember you saying maybe 3 or 4 years ago that Obama would be the next prez. Props yo."

So, you know, just for the record, you can all thank me for this. And you're welcome.

Also, as we waited with baited breath for the 'Bammer to arrive and make his acceptance speech, I so soooooo hoped that he'd come out on stage wearing a track suit and a chinchilla coat and, like, a big ol' sparkly grill. And then it would've been a tear-away or something and he could go, "sike!" and it would've been a great joke.

Monday, November 3, 2008

No bagel no bagel no bagel!

Aside from getting bangs, some other things have happened.

My roommate Matt had a birthday at a bar/club in our neighborhood I'd never been to. I examined the ceiling, Wendy mugged for the camera, Zachary rocked out.

Another Sunday, another few hours at Jeff's watching football. And watching Virgil retreat into his "hacienda." Jeff bought him a cat tree that was advertised as having two cat perches and a hacienda.

Somehow I got the hiccups real bad when Michelle and I were out at a bar and she MADE me suck on a lemon to get rid of them. This is the face for "I know this doesn't work but I'm humoring you," and of course it does not, in fact, work.

I cut Mom's hair again! She gave me a great bummer face for the before.

Another before; pretty bushy.

And the final before.

She loved it!

And then it was Halloween!

If we dressed up for school we didn't have to wear our usual all white uniforms, so duh I dressed up. For the sake of simplicity I reprized (for the 3rd? 4th time?) the white trash costume. To my left are Mommy Dearest, and one of the Josie and the Pussycats chicks.

A lot of the younger girls really, really made good on the "all girls wanna do is dress slutty for Halloween" stereotype.

Cheeto dust on my shirt.

On a very sunny Sunday, Wendy and I went to the Prospect Park zoo.

I pet a goat.

And then got stared down by another one.

Wendy taunted a cow.

And then tried to get all friendly, which didn't really work. The cow was still peeved from before.

And lastly, everybody's getting effing kittens.

This is Bagel, my friend Emily's new daughter. This picture only barely conveys how teeny she is, and when I went to meet her this weekend I had an aneurysm.

