Wednesday, November 5, 2008

President That One.

At 11:02pm, immediately after Obama was declared victorious, I received a text message from my old high school buddy, Paulie, that read, "I remember you saying maybe 3 or 4 years ago that Obama would be the next prez. Props yo."

So, you know, just for the record, you can all thank me for this. And you're welcome.

Also, as we waited with baited breath for the 'Bammer to arrive and make his acceptance speech, I so soooooo hoped that he'd come out on stage wearing a track suit and a chinchilla coat and, like, a big ol' sparkly grill. And then it would've been a tear-away or something and he could go, "sike!" and it would've been a great joke.


danger said...

and to that, remember who convinced you of that mitgangsta :)

Parisa said...

Yes, I agree, that would have been equally awesome.
xoxo, p