Monday, November 17, 2008

Everyone's a little bit racist.

I haven't taken too many pictures lately, so I'm just going to give you this. When I'm on the train from Brooklyn I rarely get a seat right away, but pulling into Canal Street makes me a little racist, because I start scanning the car for Asians assuming that they'll all get up and I'll be able to sit down. And if the Asians I have my eye on don't leave I get angry with them.

Don't be offended, I know you all eyeball all the Jew-noses on the train around South Williamsburg. Also, when I googled to find out what other distinctly ethnic neighborhoods there were that I might not know about, several sites listed "Hipster" among the ethnicities. My favorite examples:

West Village: Gay
Whitestone, Queens: Old Folks
South Williamsburg: Hassidic Jews
North Williamsburg: Hipsters and Polish

It made me laugh to see the "gay," "old folks," "hipster" and "lesbian" ethnicities woven in with Jews, Polish and the like. Thanks internet.

1 comment:

Parisa said...

try not to be so mad at the asians - some of them need to get to Queens.
xo p